Unseen Passage for Class 8 - Passage 18

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, an extraordinary creature known as the Luminous Panther prowls silently through the dense foliage. Its fur glows with a mysterious bioluminescence, casting an enchanting glow in the darkness of the jungle night. This elusive panther is believed to possess magical abilities, and indigenous tribes consider it a guardian of the rainforest.

Legends speak of a sacred ritual that occurs once a century, during which the Luminous Panther reveals itself to those deemed worthy. The ritual requires individuals to embark on a perilous journey through the heart of the rainforest, solving riddles presented by the spirits of the jungle along the way.

One brave adventurer, Isabella, dared to undertake this sacred quest. Armed with a map passed down through generations, she navigated through twisting vines and treacherous terrain. The spirits, appearing in the form of radiant fireflies, tested her wisdom with riddles that echoed through the lush canopy.

After days of challenges, Isabella reached the mystical clearing where the Luminous Panther was said to appear. As the moonlight filtered through the dense foliage, the majestic creature materialized, its fur glowing with an ethereal light. The panther acknowledged Isabella's perseverance and granted her a single wish to benefit the rainforest.

Isabella, with a heart full of reverence, wished for the protection and preservation of the Amazon rainforest. In a burst of radiant energy, the Luminous Panther vanished into the shadows, leaving Isabella to emerge from the heart of the jungle as a guardian, entrusted with the secrets of the magical creature and the responsibility to ensure the harmony between humanity and the enchanted rainforest.

Q1) What is unique about the Luminous Panther in the Amazon rainforest?

A. It has wings

B. It can speak

C. Its fur glows with bioluminescence

D. It can fly

Answer: C. Its fur glows with bioluminescence

Q2) What is the Luminous Panther believed to be by the indigenous tribes?

A. A regular panther

B. A mythical creature with magical abilities

C. A dangerous predator

D. A creature to be avoided

Answer: B. A mythical creature with magical abilities

Q3) What is the sacred ritual associated with the Luminous Panther?

A. A dance ceremony

B. A singing ritual

C. A perilous journey with riddles

D. A gathering of tribes

Answer: C. A perilous journey with riddles

Q4) How are the spirits of the jungle represented during the sacred quest?

A. Twisting vines

B. Treacherous terrain

C. Radiant fireflies

D. Enchanted moonlight

Answer: C. Radiant fireflies

Q5) What did Isabella wish for during the sacred ritual with the Luminous Panther?

A. Personal wealth

B. Fame and recognition

C. The protection and preservation of the Amazon rainforest

D. The ability to understand all languages

Answer: C. The protection and preservation of the Amazon rainforest

Q6) What responsibility did Isabella gain after the encounter with the Luminous Panther?

A. To become a hunter

B. To protect the jungle animals

C. To ensure harmony between humanity and the rainforest

D. To study the habits of the Luminous Panther

Answer: C. To ensure harmony between humanity and the rainforest

Q7) What did the Luminous Panther do after granting Isabella's wish?

A. Attacked her

B. Disappeared into the shadows

C. Followed her on her journey

D. Stayed with her as a companion

Answer: B. Disappeared into the shadows

Q8) What form did the spirits of the jungle take during Isabella's journey?

A. Treacherous terrain

B. Twisting vines

C. Radiant fireflies

D. Enchanted moonlight

Answer: C. Radiant fireflies

Q9) What did the spirits test Isabella with during her journey?

A. Her physical strength

B. Her ability to navigate through the jungle

C. Riddles echoing through the lush canopy

D. Her knowledge of magical creatures

Answer: C. Riddles echoing through the lush canopy

Q10) What did Isabella navigate through during her quest?

A. Desert sands

B. Arctic tundra

C. The heart of the Amazon rainforest

D. Mountainous terrain

Answer: C. The heart of the Amazon rainforest

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