Unseen Passage for Class 8 - Passage 09

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Eva adores her grandpa. He resides in Texas and pays a visit every month. She yearns for more frequent visits, as her grandpa captivates her with fascinating tales and prepares her favorite dinner.

Yearning for a taste of her grandpa's specialty, Eva requests her mom to replicate his barbeque chicken recipe. However, her mom replies, "I will give it a try, but no one can quite match Grandpa's culinary skills."

Eva attentively observes her mom as she prepares the savory sauce for the chicken. The aroma fills the air, enticing her taste buds. As the family gathers around the table to enjoy the meal, it becomes evident that her mom's rendition, while delicious, falls short of her grandpa's mastery.

During her grandpa's subsequent visit, Eva eagerly recounts the tale of her mom's attempt to recreate the chicken. Her grandpa responds with enthusiasm, acknowledging it as a delightful story. In a heartwarming gesture, he proceeds to teach Eva and her mom the secrets behind his renowned barbeque chicken recipe.

Driven by their newfound knowledge, Eva and her mom embark on a culinary adventure, preparing the barbeque chicken once a week. Although their attempts continue to be scrumptious, they humbly admit that it still cannot rival the unparalleled taste of Grandpa's version. Regardless, Eva's love for her grandpa remains unwavering.

Q1) How often does Eva's grandpa visit her?

A. Every week

B. Every month

C. Every day

D. Every year

Answer: B. Every month

Q2) What does Eva request her mom to replicate?

A. Pizza

B. Barbeque chicken

C. Spaghetti

D. Salad

Answer: B. Barbeque chicken

Q3) What is Eva's mom's response to replicating grandpa's recipe?

A. She refuses

B. She agrees instantly

C. She gives it a try

D. She asks Eva to cook

Answer: C. She gives it a try

Q4) What does Eva's grandpa do during his subsequent visit?

A. Ignores Eva

B. Teaches them his chicken recipe

C. Criticizes the attempt

D. Brings pizza

Answer: B. Teaches them his chicken recipe

Q5) How often do Eva and her mom prepare barbeque chicken after learning from grandpa?

A. Every day

B. Every month

C. Once a week

D. Never

Answer: C. Once a week

Q6) What is the meaning of the word 'scrumptious' as used in the passage?

A. Unappetizing

B. Delicious

C. Unpleasant

D. Bland

Answer: B. Delicious

Q7) What is the outcome of Eva and her mom's attempts at replicating grandpa's chicken?

A. They succeed perfectly

B. It becomes a family recipe

C. They admit it can't rival grandpa's

D. They open a restaurant

Answer: C. They admit it can't rival grandpa's

Q8) Where does Eva's grandpa reside?

A. California

B. Florida

C. Seattle

D. None of the above

Answer: D. None of the above

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