Unseen Passage for Class 3 - Passage 09

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

In the midst of our vast and stunning world, there exists a wondrous location known as the rainforest. This enchanted place resembles an enormous, vibrant umbrella of greenery, teeming with a variety of captivating plants and creatures.

The rainforest comprises four distinct layers, akin to the levels of an umbrella when viewed from above. As we soar through it like birds, the first layer we encounter is the emergent layer. Here, towering trees, reaching heights comparable to a 14-story building, stand tall, providing perches for eagles, bats, and butterflies.

Descending to the next layer, we encounter the canopy layer. This region is abundant with trees resembling umbrellas, forming a natural roof for the rainforest. Monkeys, frogs, and sloths find their abode in this lush canopy.

Moving further down, we reach the understory layer. This section is dimmer due to the shading from the canopy above. Within this layer, creatures such as jaguars, leopards, and numerous insects coexist.

The lowest and final layer is the forest floor, the darkest and coolest part of the rainforest. Here, the largest animals like elephants and tigers make their home, completing the intricate ecosystem of this magical rainforest.

Q1) What is the rainforest compared to in the passage?

A. A desert

B. A gigantic, colorful umbrella

C. A snowy mountain

D. A deep cave

Answer: B. A gigantic, colorful umbrella

Q2) What is the first layer of the rainforest called?

A. Canopy layer

B. Emergent layer

C. Understory layer

D. Forest floor

Answer: B. Emergent layer

Q3) Which animals might you find in the canopy layer?

A. Jaguars, leopards, and insects

B. Elephants and tigers

C. Monkeys, frogs, and sloths

D. Eagles, bats, and butterflies

Answer: C. Monkeys, frogs, and sloths

Q4) What makes the understory layer darker?

A. The absence of trees

B. Shading from the canopy layer

C. Nocturnal animals

D. The presence of elephants and tigers

Answer: B. Shading from the canopy layer

Q5) Which layer is described as the darkest and coolest part of the rainforest?

A. Canopy layer

B. Forest floor

C. Understory layer

D. Emergent layer

Answer: B. Forest floor

Lucy was filled with excitement and a hint of nervousness. This marked the day of her inaugural soccer game. She adorned herself in her soccer uniform, secured her cleats, and neatly tied back her hair. Her heart raced with anticipation as she stepped onto the field. As the referee's whistle echoed, signaling the commencement of the game, Lucy focused on recalling all the lessons from her practice sessions.

She sprinted swiftly, maintained a vigilant gaze on the ball, and skillfully passed it to her teammates. In the midst of the game, an opportunity presented itself to Lucy. Summoning all her strength, she kicked the ball fervently, witnessing it soar into the goal. This moment marked Lucy's first-ever goal, a cause for celebration!

However, the game had more to unfold. A mix-up occurred, leading to the opposing team scoring a goal, leveling the score. Lucy felt a knot tighten in her stomach, dreading the possibility of letting her team down.

With just a few minutes remaining, fate handed Lucy the ball. She skillfully maneuvered down the field, deftly avoiding an opponent, and took a decisive shot. The ball found its way into the net, and Lucy had secured the winning goal, turning the tide in her team's favor.

Q1) What was Lucy's feeling as she stepped onto the field for her first soccer game?

A. Sadness

B. Excitement and nervousness

C. Boredom

D. Happiness

Answer: B. Excitement and nervousness

Q2) What did Lucy do when she saw her chance in the middle of the game?

A. She ran away

B. She tied her hair back

C. She kicked the ball into the goal

D. She took a nap

Answer: C. She kicked the ball into the goal

Q3) What happened after Lucy scored her first goal?

A. The game ended

B. The other team scored a goal

C. Lucy got a trophy

D. Lucy tied her shoelaces

Answer: B. The other team scored a goal

Q4) How did Lucy feel when the other team scored a goal?

A. Happy

B. Angry

C. Nervous

D. She felt a knot in her stomach

Answer: D. She felt a knot in her stomach

Q5) What did Lucy do with just a few minutes left in the game?

A. She went home

B. She danced

C. She took a shot and scored the winning goal

D. She played with her hair

Answer: C. She took a shot and scored the winning goal

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