Unseen Passage for Class 5 - Passage 19

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

John, a fifth-grader, found himself facing a challenging situation at school. There was a class bully named Mark who often teased and picked on his classmates, including John. It had become a daily struggle, and John felt helpless and upset. One evening, he decided to share his concerns with his father.

His father listened attentively and then offered some valuable advice. "John, dealing with bullies can be tough, but it's important to stand up for yourself in a smart and assertive way," his father said. He suggested that John try a different approach the next time Mark confronted him.

The following day, during lunch break, Mark approached John and started making fun of his backpack. Remembering his father's advice, John took a deep breath and responded calmly, "Hey Mark, I know we might have our differences, but there's no need for teasing. Let's find a way to get along, okay?"

Mark seemed surprised by John's response. Instead of escalating the situation, John's assertive yet friendly approach caught Mark off guard. To John's surprise, Mark hesitated and then mumbled an apology. From that day on, the teasing reduced, and John felt a newfound sense of confidence.

Word spread about how John handled the situation, and other students who faced similar challenges began seeking his advice. John realized the power of using words to resolve conflicts and the importance of standing up for oneself without resorting to aggression.

Q1) What problem was John facing at school?

A. Too much homework

B. Teasing from a class bully

C. Difficulty in making friends

D. Losing his school supplies

Answer: B. Teasing from a class bully

Q2) Who did John share his concerns with?

A. His teacher

B. His best friend

C. His father

D. The school counselor

Answer: C. His father

Q3) What advice did John's father give him?

A. Ignore the bully

B. Report the bully to the teacher

C. Confront the bully aggressively

D. Stand up for himself in a smart and assertive way

Answer: D. Stand up for himself in a smart and assertive way

Q4) How did John feel when Mark teased him about his backpack?

A. Excited

B. Helpless and upset

C. Indifferent

D. Happy

Answer: B. Helpless and upset

Q5) How did John respond to Mark's teasing about his backpack?

A. Cried and ran away

B. Teased Mark back

C. Responded calmly and assertively

D. Ignored Mark

Answer: C. Responded calmly and assertively

Q6) What was Mark's reaction to John's response?

A. He apologized

B. He laughed loudly

C. He ignored John

D. He teased John even more

Answer: A. He apologized

Q7) How did other students react to John's handling of the situation?

A. They laughed at him

B. They started teasing him too

C. They sought his advice

D. They avoided him

Answer: C. They sought his advice

Q8) What did John realize about resolving conflicts?

A. Aggression is the only solution

B. Ignoring conflicts is the best approach

C. Words can be powerful in resolving conflicts

D. Conflicts always lead to violence

Answer: C. Words can be powerful in resolving conflicts

Q9) How did John feel after Mark apologized?

A. Angry

B. Confused

C. Happy and confident

D. Sad

Answer: C. Happy and confident

Q10) What did John gain from the experience with the class bully?

A. Fear and anxiety

B. A sense of helplessness

C. Confidence and a valuable lesson

D. A desire to avoid school

Answer: C. Confidence and a valuable lesson

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