Unseen Passage for Class 5 - Passage 10

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

Dreams are like magical journeys that our minds take when we sleep. They can whisk us away to incredible places and let us experience things we might never encounter in the waking world.

Imagine soaring through the sky like a bird, diving into the depths of the ocean to chat with talking dolphins, or even traveling to distant planets where friendly aliens teach you their intergalactic dance. In dreams, the impossible becomes possible, and the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary.

Some dreams are like puzzling riddles, leaving us to wonder about their meanings when we wake up. They can be filled with symbols and metaphors that our minds create, weaving a tapestry of stories as we sleep peacefully.

While dreams can be fantastical and entertaining, they can also be powerful messengers. They may bring to the surface our deepest fears, desires, and unresolved thoughts. Dreams have a way of unlocking the doors to our subconscious, revealing layers of our minds that we might not fully understand when awake.

Have you ever had a dream that felt so real that, for a moment, you questioned whether you were still dreaming when you woke up? Dreams can be that vivid, blurring the lines between the imaginary and the real world.

As mysterious as they are, dreams remain an integral part of our lives. Scientists and psychologists continue to study them, attempting to unravel the secrets hidden within our slumbering minds. Yet, the enchantment of dreams persists, inviting us to explore the boundless landscapes of our imagination each night.

Q1) How does the passage describe dreams?

A. Ordinary occurrences

B. Waking nightmares

C. Magical journeys of the mind

D. Predictable scenarios

Answer: C. Magical journeys of the mind

Q2) What does the passage suggest about the nature of dreams?

A. They are always logical and straightforward.

B. They only occur during deep sleep.

C. They can be powerful messengers and reveal subconscious thoughts.

D. They have no impact on our waking lives.

Answer: C. They can be powerful messengers and reveal subconscious thoughts.

Q3) How does the passage describe the fantastical elements of dreams?

A. They are mundane and uninteresting.

B. They are unrelated to our waking experiences.

C. They make the ordinary extraordinary and the impossible possible.

D. They are forgettable and lack creativity.

Answer: C. They make the ordinary extraordinary and the impossible possible.

Q4) What is mentioned as a common experience related to dreams?

A. Dreaming about logical scenarios

B. Forgetting dreams immediately upon waking

C. Questioning reality after a vivid dream

D. Ignoring dreams and their meanings

Answer: C. Questioning reality after a vivid dream

Q5) What is the role of dreams, according to the passage?

A. Dreams have no significance in our lives.

B. Dreams only bring forth fears and nightmares.

C. Dreams unlock the doors to our subconscious and may convey deeper thoughts.

D. Dreams are solely entertaining stories with no deeper meaning.

Answer: C. Dreams unlock the doors to our subconscious and may convey deeper thoughts.

Q6) How does the passage describe the study of dreams?

A. Scientists and psychologists have fully understood the secrets of dreams.

B. Scientists disregard dreams as unimportant aspects of sleep.

C. Scientists and psychologists continue to study dreams to uncover hidden secrets.

D. The study of dreams has been completed, and there is nothing new to discover.

Answer: C. Scientists and psychologists continue to study dreams to uncover hidden secrets.

Q7) What does the passage say about the vividness of dreams?

A. Dreams are never vivid and lack imagination.

B. Dreams are always easily forgotten.

C. Some dreams can feel so real that the boundary between imagination and reality blurs.

D. Vivid dreams only occur during nightmares.

Answer: C. Some dreams can feel so real that the boundary between imagination and reality blurs.

Q8) According to the passage, what is the lingering enchantment of dreams?

A. Dreams are predictable and follow a set pattern.

B. Dreams lose their charm as we grow older.

C. The magical and mysterious aspects of dreams persist despite scientific studies.

D. Dreams have no impact on our understanding of the subconscious mind.

Answer: C. The magical and mysterious aspects of dreams persist despite scientific studies.

Q9) How does the passage portray the line between the imaginary and the real in dreams?

A. Dreams have no connection to reality.

B. Dreams and reality are always distinct and never overlap.

C. Dreams can blur the lines between the imaginary and the real, making them momentarily indistinguishable.

D. The passage does not provide any information on this aspect of dreams.

Answer: C. Dreams can blur the lines between the imaginary and the real, making them momentarily indistinguishable.

Q10) What is the overall tone of the passage towards dreams?

A. Critical and dismissive

B. Neutral and indifferent

C. Celebratory and fascinated

D. Fearful and apprehensive

Answer: C. Celebratory and fascinated

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