Unseen Passage for Class 3 - Passage 14

Posted by Olympiad Tester on

What comes to mind when you encounter the term "Milky Way"? Does it evoke thoughts of a delicious candy bar? Well, there's another Milky Way, and guess what? You reside within it! The Milky Way is, in fact, our very own galaxy.

A galaxy serves as a collective of stars, and scientists have expanded our knowledge, revealing the existence of numerous galaxies scattered throughout outer space. The Milky Way takes on the captivating form of a spiral, adorned with mesmerizing swirls of stars gracefully emanating from its central core.

In this vast galactic expanse, scientists estimate a staggering count of approximately 200 billion stars, with our very own sun being one among them. Orbiting the sun are eight planets, and nestled within this celestial family is our beloved Earth. Even when gazing from our terrestrial abode, provided you find yourself in a location free from the glow of city lights, you can catch a glimpse of the Milky Way. It earns its name from the spectacle of numerous stars clustered closely, resembling a milky white streak painted across the night sky.

Yet, if you were to observe this celestial wonder through a telescope, the seemingly singular streak would transform into a breathtaking tapestry, revealing itself as an intricate mosaic composed of thousands of individual stars.

Q1) What does the term "Milky Way" refer to in the passage?

A. A candy bar

B. Our galaxy

C. A constellation

D. A planetary system

Answer: B. Our galaxy

Q2) How is the Milky Way described in terms of its shape?

A. Cubic

B. Spherical

C. Spiral

D. Rectangular

Answer: C. Spiral

Q3) How many stars are estimated to be in the Milky Way?

A. 100 million

B. 1 billion

C. 200 billion

D. 500 billion

Answer: C. 200 billion

Q4) What is the Milky Way composed of?

A. Chocolate

B. Stars

C. Gas clouds

D. Candy bars

Answer: B. Stars

Q5) What can be seen with the naked eye on a clear night away from city lights?

A. Planets aligning

B. Meteor shower

C. Part of the Milky Way

D. Shooting stars

Answer: C. Part of the Milky Way

Q6) What is the meaning of 'captivating' as used in the passage?

A. Boring

B. Enchanting

C. Simple

D. Uninteresting

Answer: B. Enchanting

Q7) What is the meaning of 'adorned' as used in the passage?

A. Stripped

B. Decorated

C. Concealed

D. Hidden

Answer: B. Decorated

Q8) What is the meaning of 'mesmerizing' as used in the passage?

A. Dull

B. Unimpressive

C. Hypnotic

D. Ordinary

Answer: C. Hypnotic

Q9) What is the meaning of 'abode' as used in the passage?

A. Residence

B. Playground

C. Workplace

D. Market

Answer: A. Residence

Q10) What is the meaning of 'celestial' as used in the passage?

A. Earthly

B. Terrestrial

C. Heavenly

D. Mundane

Answer: C. Heavenly

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